Class Update Feb. 24

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Good afternoon!

Thank you all who supported the camp field trip through chaperoning, sending in snacks or working with your child here. It is very much appreciated! There are a few items left over in the hallway – a pillow without a pillowcase, a pair of black ski gloves and a pair of socks. Please let me know if you think they are yours and I will send them home.

SPRING CONFERENCES – the sign up is available – our window is generally pretty short between January and March, so there is not a ton of new information or testing data. We will mostly be discussing writing and fluency. Sign up here.  Wed, Thur and Fri, March 4-6 are all half days. Please pick students up at 11:25 a.m.

WEDNESDAY, February 26, is a half day. Please pick up students at 11:25 a.m.

Math – We are working on fractions and will soon be moving on to whole group measurement, data and geometry.

I would love for you to look over the timed tests coming home and help practice those. There is a little growth each day we do it, and if they can add in one more minute at home, it adds up to quite a bit of difference. Just a reminder, they need to work top to bottom, left to right and their score is only until the first one missed to encourage accuracy.

Reading – We will be spending time the next few weeks reviewing major reading concepts as well as idioms, similes, metaphors, etc. If you see or hear them when your child is reading, please mention them so they have real life opportunities to hear them.

Writing – we are working on opinion writing. We also tried our first “ALL IN ONE DAY” writing, and some of us did really well and some really struggled with time management. The best way to support at home is to give your kiddos a topic and have them come up with three details that they could write more about. For example, if the topic was lizards, I may pick, habitat, food and temperament. I should pick something that I can give several examples of! also has some free typing programs and any practice in that is beneficial for us.

I appreciate you all!